LEG-FREE QIGONGO (sitting qigong)

Forty or so years ago, I used to teach tai chi - sitting down - to a lovely old guy in Taos, New Mexico. He couldn't walk for being riddled with arthritis but had such a brave spirit, it was an inspiration working with him. 

To warm up for the improvised sitting tai chi I'd run through various qigong moves with him and was always amazed at the difference in his appearance after a few moves. He came alive before my very eyes, 

And he gained so much benefit in his mental as well as physical health, and outlook overall, he couldn't find words to thank me.

It's been my intention ever since to create a training for anyone who's temporarily or permanently lost the use of their legs, are bedridden, or recovering from serious illness or surgery, and for anyone who sits around a lot and fancies making the most of it through acquiring the 'superpowers' granted by practice of qigong, the physical strength, the mental clarity, the huge increase in the production and flow of chi (qi), and generally feeling damn fine despite being either unable or unwilling to stand or walk.

So I'm proud to present LEG-FREE QIGONGO

Watch the video below to hear what I say about it.

This is in fact potentially the first of a vast possible series, as there are only so many moves you can sensibly fit in one training, and an almost infinite number of moves.

And it's a great place to start.

So whether your legs no longer function, you're unable to stand or walk for being ill or recuperating, or simply can't be bothered – and in any case if you spend time sitting in cars, buses, trains, planes or so on


is the perfect way to increase strength, suppleness, and wellbeing and promote an enlightened state.

By watching through a series of videos, with just a modicum of application and concentration and the will to practice the moves for a moment or two subsequently each day for a week, you acquire this life-changing gem of a skill.


  • 1


    • Legfree qigongo introduction

    • Legfree qigongo session 1

    • Legfree qigongo session 2

    • Legfree qigongo session 3

    • Legfree qigongo session 4

    • Legfree qigongo session 5

    • Legfree qigongo session 6

    • Legfree qigongo session 7