Visualiser design and graphics by the amazing Spanky Pymn

Six weeks to change the universe

Imagine that. Your entire realm of activity, sensation, cognition, experience and influence transformed FOR YOU from the ground up. 

In six weeks, doing nothing more on the physical plane than touching a virtual button, with absolutely no effort whatsoever, while enjoying enormous fun via your earholes, and if you fancy, eyes too.

The most advanced brain entrainment technology on the planet will activate your latent magic power – for real – and we're not talking Harry Potter, but proper bona fide Taoist advanced level magician skills to manifest everything – 

everything you want and need to bring you the greatest gain possible in all senses and all ways, and your universe is transformed. 

In six weeks.

Here are two clips from the visualizers

You gain by magic

1- the skills of the master magician schooled in the most ancient and probably most powerful system of magic in the world – a feat that would conventionally require many years of assiduous training and practice, along with the ability to instantaneously manifest everything you decide to manifest, without needing to buy a magic wand or occult fancy dress outfit. 

2 – a new mind-set and accompanying outlook, the ability to attain and maintain calm, clear, super-intelligent, psychically-activated perspective at all times, and hence have power to peaceably prevail in all situations. 

3 – an exponentially growing money-flow without having to work harder or differently – to the contrary, by actually working less hard. 

4 – a self-healing reset that fundamentally alters your relationship to your autonomic system and enables self-corrective adjustments to occur spontaneously to smooth away symptoms and rebalance your core, as well as trans-temporally heal your wounded inner child and even retrospectively your entire ancestral lineage and thus benefit by an improved quality of DNA, to provide you optimised body-mind conditions by which to fully enjoy your oncoming influx of abundance of all things.

Pay with one payment, or in 4, 5 or 6 monthly instalments


  • 1

    Welcome to AMPED Volume 2

    • Welcome

    • Free mini sample track AMPED Magic

    • Episode 1 audio - arriving, orienting, connecting with Tao

    • Episode 1 visualizer

    • Episode 1 transcript

    • Episode 2 audio - entering the magic circle, handling resistance, relaxing and surrendering to the flow

    • Episode 2 visualizer

    • Episode 2 transcript

    • Episode 3 audio - activating next level money-abundance-success flow

    • Episode 3 visualizer

    • Episode 3 transcript

    • Episode 4 audio - full-strength transtemporal healing

    • Episode 4 visualizer

    • Episode 4 transcript

    • Episode 5 audio - manifesting Love, that many splendored thing

    • Episode 5 visualizer

    • Episode 5 transcript

    • Episode 6 audio - sealing the spell - final wave of the wand to set the process irrevocably in motion

    • Episode 6 visualizer

    • Episode 6 transcript

    • AMPED VOLUME 2 - MAGIC: accompanying eBook - Barefoot Doctor

A M P E D VOLUME TWO: Advanced Magic Power Entrainment Deluxe is exactly as it says: DELUXE

It's not every day, nor even every six weeks you get the opportunity for any expert in any field, let alone this expert in this field, to your self-transformation work for you. Because that's what this is. By just listening once a day, one episode per day for a week, then same with the next episode and so on, till – and not as if by magic, but actually by magic, six weeks later you've acquired, by direct transmission into your all-powerful subconscious the full activation of:

You also gain

5 – a new view, stance, attitude, and vibration to the world of interpersonal relationships and activate the power and poke to love far more completely, increased sexual and personal confidence, increased libido, the clarity, confidence, courage, personal presence and power to exit unhealthy relationships you've been stuck in too long, the psycho-emotional sturdiness to never feel lonely again – ever, and if you want to meet a new lover or potential love/life-partner, the magic to draw them to you instantaneously.

6 – the holy grail of grails: an active communicational connection with the presence at the root of all presence, the Tao, by any other name, with which/whom you're learning to dance in a totally new way, lending you an ability to see through all appearances to the Tao informing every phenomenon (including even you reading this now), as it's fundamentally by this relationship you're able to induce destiny to flow your way with absolute effectiveness. It's also by this you're granted the essential qualities of grace and patience to enable you to enjoy the dance as it unfolds through its phases of yin and yang, tricky-easy, challenging-rewarding and so on, on the way to you receiving the fruits of your magic.

One episode per week for six weeks

To be fair, life has a habit of transforming itself over any six-week period anyway, but looking back over most six-week phases you can recall, these bits-and-pieces random shifts don't even stand in the same set of parameters as what's about to happen when you do (think fanfare and dramatic drum rolls). A M P E D  is the boom-macca, super-boss transformational tool of all tools and, as well as being supreme, it's supremely beautiful – the effect, the experience, the wellbeing, the strength, the confidence, the vision, the self-assuredness, the suddenly vastly increased inbound wealth-flow, the dramatic shift in your love life, the potent healing and newfound vitality, the hugely ameliorated active cognitive connection to the Tao itself, the embedded training in Taoist philosophy and accompanying dramatic increase of innate wisdom, and the almost overwhelming influx of pure fun and excitement on the ride of your life, and above all the golden touch in the deepest sense, is unparalleled.

A M P E D Volume two is a multimedia extravaganza of mind and energy altering devices

Contextualised in world-class highest standard imaginable, state of all arts tool to transform your life and that's no bullshit – not a single word of it – nor is it hyperbole – it's an understatement of epic proportions. And if you're getting the impression you're being sold to, though in some ways technically correct, you're in fact receiving the expression of its creator's excitement and enthusiasm for all the world to benefit by this remarkable phenomenon, that's blown his mind just as much if not more than it will yours and everyone who does it. I could just say, get A M P E D VOLUME TWO, it'll be by far the wisest investment ever made and could even be the most important thing you've ever done subsequent to being born. And indeed, there were phases of my life I'd have been inclined to be that laissez faire about it, but nearly fifty years in development (seriously), this is too important to be casual about. And seriously this isn't hyperbole but don't worry about whether to believe me or not – that's irrelevant – simply try it for yourself and if you don't find the above to be so within 30 days you let us know and will receive a full refund without needing any reason or explanation. Nursing a recent full-frontal lobotomy is the only reason I could possibly imagine anyone having anyway.


A M P E D is priceless: you really can't put a price on magic
so you base it on two factors:

1 – providing you the very best possible value and not using the trick of overpricing to give the impression of pricelessness and then not actually deliver, as is common – while ascertaining that in terms of effectiveness and quality of produce, it's far better value than anything comparable and does far more – and keep the price as fair as fair can be so that as many people as possible who need it can afford it.

2 – providing its creator recompense by way of livelihood for the solid year without cessation of often more than 16 hours daily, spent lovingly, painstakingly producing Volumes One, and Two, with Volume Three already in the works, for your benefit, so he can continue developing and offering these powerful tools to heal and rebalance and activate abundance-flow in all aspects of your life, as he's not quite yet developed the skill on living on air alone.

Whether something seems expensive or not depends on your levels of desire to own it, how much you value yourself and value your overall wellbeing, and in this instance, how much you know you deserve to enjoy life exactly as you want it, how much comparable tools are, and of course how much money you have spare and so on.

In light of which I've no compunction declaring emphatically that $424 is almost absurdly good value for gaining the benefits of A M P E D VOLUME TWO – Advanced Magic Power Entrainment Deluxe.
Especially if you take advantage of the split 3-part payment plans, making the total only slightly more than when buying it in one go to cover processing costs.

So in terms of relativity in respect of things that change your life for the better to varying degrees and for varying lengths of time – for the price of a modest dinner for two with average-to-good wine at a fancy or just semi-fancy restaurant in London or New York, or the price of a few bottles of single malt whiskey, or one or two bottles of fine wine, or an ounce or two of top grade Californian weed, or 20 or so tablets/or-what-have-you of MDMA, or four grams of good Columbian coke (none of which we advise here except the weed for its healing properties incidentally, just using these as examples of things that can alter your state), or four sessions with a therapist or coach, for instance, you actually acquire for life, the most powerful transformational tool ever invented and watch your whole life transform from the ground up in just six weeks – and it lasts – and any time you feel like topping up the fuel so to speak, you just listen again in any order you like and bang, you're there, levels of confidence and golden-touch factor topped up again in a jiffy.

Because that's what you've got to remember, by doing
A M P E D you up your inbound money factor so much, so fast, the price you pay for the product is relatively negligible; you won't even notice it.

And on top of all that, if within 7 days- and it does have to be within 7 days of purchase, by which time you've already experienced the effects of 1 session, and you either feel it really isn’t resonating for you – it can happen in extreme circumstances, or if you'd just rather skank me, though I'd rather you wouldn't of course, and am sure very few would, you simply let us know and you get a full refund and also get to keep the whole thing anyway, so although it would be a bad move from a karmic point of view if it was a skank, you really have nothing to lose either way.
Can't be fairer, more courageously, trustingly vulnerable than that with you.

It's because I'm so dedicated to A M P E D and through it being able to serve you with all the very best of my abilities and wealth of experience.


What people say about AMPED

Amped unfussily and unspectacularly created a fundamental calm that allows me to proceed and make better choices without existential fear riding me hard.

My relations are more fluid, flow better, especially in crowds or groups.

Remain present and enjoy - yes. I feel more settled and thus more able to enjoy any future, no matter whether it is fun or not, so it will be fun. I do not feel optimistic as in “yeah, hey, great party coming up, looking forward to it”. Just trust my ability to make a good thing out of the coming things

Lisa Florkowski

I was generally unclear about the future. Now I have clarity.

I've become very aware of "dumb" thoughts and how I don't need to react to them and I can just let them go.

Adam Sussman

I am a retired woman living in the Spanish hills . I tended to be reclusive, a bit uncomfortable in crowds and easily irritated by people. All this is fading away. I know we are all on the same journey.

I like myself and talk away any negative thought or feelings. I feel so much lighter about events. Kinder .

I am much kinder and accepting of people, I am what I am and they are who they are.

The adventure is bright and I am joyous most of the time.

I have loved the whole thing and feel very happier and relaxed about life. The world is chaotic but I know it will all work out ... thank you for this wonderful transformation.

I have felt almost bereft to have completed the 6 elements  may well do it all over again. Wonderful, I feel renewed.

Julia Riss

At age 50 I feel I’m running out of time to be successful in life and still hoping for a quick solution to clear my debts. Small changes have happened to reduce outgoings but still in continual overdraft. What is remarkable is I’m not feeling overwhelmed by my situation which I was feeling prior to Amped

When alone in the house I would sing along and dance about a little. When listening before going to work I would find myself hearing sections in my head and singing quietly to myself whist at work. The music made me feel happy inside.

Yes, any time I started worrying about something the affirmation “everything works to my advantage, I thrive and prevail come what may, it all works out, it all works out”

Andrea Hopkinson

I was fearing a decrease of cash flow and that did not happen. In general, I feel more thankful of being here

It seems easier feeling thankful for being here, no matter what and I notice more moments of mindfulness. Moreover, I found very liberating the "you don't have to believe to affirmations" approach, over others systems that push in that direction instead.

Yes, I find easier to communicate and even when to choose to talk or to shut up.

where I am stil a bit overwhelmed I seem to see the way to get out of the fog

I appreciate the Doc's work since 1999 and I think Amped is a true gem.

David Capostagno

Life is mirroring the affirmations. My confidence has grown. My awareness and appreciation of the process it’s taking me though is clearer. Opportunities are presenting themselves. People that are aligned with my own desires and vision are appearing. It’s invited me to engage in my personal journey unlike mainstream music.

I am becoming my own inner coach in the most beautiful way.

AMPED Immersives comment

The AMPED immersive for visions is phenomenal.

Penelope MacNeil

I had high anxiety and fluctuating moods which seem to have subsided somewhat these past couple of weeks. I am still doing AMOED 2 for the first time. So perhaps I will have a different answer after I go through it all.

I am certainly able to bring myself there [the present moment] faster and easier.

Judy Kennedy

Yes, body is looser and self talk is more “in this moment I’m complete the whole universe is mine” I. No lack or limitations in my thinking, just waiting now, for the Universe to catch up / resonate at the same frequency then bang-unstoppable.

Hakikat Chaddr

AMPED has given me a more consistent flow and definitely taken me deeper and higher. I feel great and others have noticed me glowing

Audio only - really convenient as I listen to it whilst traveling or working. As I only did it this way, each session was on repeat- a powerful blast of amazement!

Been grooving! The messages come automatically now when I'm in need: fantastic

I'm calmer, much more centred & balanced. It brought up some astonishing anger early on but I recognise this as part of the process.

Definitely more vibrant. Relationships are smoother and far more positive- able to let go and transcend when required

I have far more ease and faith in the future

I have never felt such peace - being in flow is magical. I feel powerful, find joy and health in every direction. It's amazing- totally transformative.

I'd add that the system as a whole has been the most life-changing and enhancing thing I have ever done! It is beautiful and powerful in every way.  

Gill Heyworth

I found myself reciting the words along with you many times. I was usually relaxing with closed eyes while listening.

Thanks again for this amazing recording :-)

Marie Carr

In the nine months since first doing AMPED, I am far more grounded & assertive in my interactions with others, where appt. I feel more able to move forward with my goals & dreams in the main as well. Creativity also pours through me with ever greater ease & frequency!

I detach from negative thoughts more easily now & have a better inner dialogue going on inside my head. I do have an inner narrative which serves me better since using the AMPED trilogy.

Keep going Doc, you are changing the world with the FANTASTIC AMPED trilogy!!! Thank you Sir. x

Danny Greene